Congress In Flash Worksheet Answers

Congress in Flash Worksheet Answers: An In-Depth Guide provides a comprehensive overview of the structure, functions, and procedures of the United States Congress. This guide offers a clear and concise explanation of the legislative branch of the U.S. government, making it an invaluable resource for students, educators, and anyone interested in understanding the inner workings of American politics.

The bicameral structure of Congress, consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives, is thoroughly examined. The roles and responsibilities of each chamber are meticulously Artikeld, along with the process of electing members of Congress.

Congress in the United States Government

Congress is the legislative branch of the United States government, responsible for making laws, overseeing the executive branch, and representing the American people. It is a bicameral body, consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Structure and Organization

The Senate

The Senate consists of 100 members, two from each state. Senators serve six-year terms and are elected by the people of their respective states. The Senate has the power to confirm presidential appointments, ratify treaties, and conduct impeachment trials.

The House of Representatives, Congress in flash worksheet answers

The House of Representatives consists of 435 members, apportioned among the states based on population. Representatives serve two-year terms and are elected by the people of their respective districts. The House has the power to introduce and pass legislation, raise revenue, and impeach the president.

Functions and Powers

Congress in flash worksheet answers


Congress’s primary function is to make laws. Laws are proposed in the form of bills, which are debated and voted on by both the Senate and the House. Once a bill is passed by both chambers, it is sent to the president for approval.


Congress also has the power to oversee the executive branch. This includes the ability to investigate government agencies, subpoena witnesses, and hold hearings. Congress can also use its oversight power to impeach the president.


Congress is the voice of the American people. Members of Congress are elected to represent the interests of their constituents. They do this by voting on legislation, holding town hall meetings, and meeting with constituents.

Procedures and Processes

Congress in flash worksheet answers

The Legislative Process

The legislative process begins when a member of Congress introduces a bill. The bill is then referred to a committee for consideration. The committee may hold hearings, make amendments, and vote on the bill. If the bill is passed by the committee, it is sent to the floor of the House or Senate for debate and a vote.

Debate and Amendment

Once a bill is on the floor, it is debated by members of Congress. Members may offer amendments to change the bill. Amendments are voted on by the entire chamber.


After debate and amendment, the bill is put to a vote. In the House of Representatives, a simple majority vote is required to pass a bill. In the Senate, a bill must pass by a majority of 60 votes.

Representation and Accountability


The principle of representation is fundamental to Congress. Members of Congress are elected to represent the interests of their constituents. They do this by voting on legislation, holding town hall meetings, and meeting with constituents.


Members of Congress are accountable to the American people. They can be voted out of office in the next election. The public can also hold members of Congress accountable by contacting their offices, attending town hall meetings, and participating in the political process.

Q&A: Congress In Flash Worksheet Answers

What is the primary function of Congress?

The primary function of Congress is to make laws for the United States.

How many members are in the Senate?

There are 100 members in the Senate, with each state having two senators.

How long is a term for a member of the House of Representatives?

A term for a member of the House of Representatives is two years.